We would love to meet you!

Another sneak peek pic! Here’s our new front desk.✨

If you are thinking about starting your fertility journey or if you just don’t know where to start, we would love to meet you!

FINA’s mission is to meet each patient with transparency and compassion at the unique place where they are in their fertility journey, and to offer the most up-to-date and effective treatment options available.?

#FINA #HelpingFamiliesBuildFamilies

We Have a New Home!

It’s official! We are pleased to announce that we will now be serving you from our new location, 808 Turner St SW, Huntsville 35801.

We’re only about 3 blocks from our previous building but we now have a clinic, IVF lab and surgery suite that is second to none in the region! Stay tuned for more pics! ✨

And if you’d like to make an appointment to start your fertility journey, you can reach us at 256-217-9613.?

#FINA #HelpingFamiliesBuildFamilies

Unexplained Infertility

Confused because you’ve been given the diagnosis “unexplained infertility”?

Did you know that 10-15% of all patients with infertility have their entire initial workup return normal?

However, this diagnosis was defined when imaging and genetic testing was not as advanced as they are today. This means that with a thorough workup, likely less than 10% of patients will have to settle for this diagnosis.

Even when facing obstacles, it helps to know what the problem is in order to know how to overcome.

For truly unexplained infertility, the most successful methods of treatment when this diagnosis has been reached is IVF or INVOcell, but superovulation with IUI is frequently attempted prior to IVF.

If you are looking for answers, don’t hesitate to reach out and schedule your consultation. We are here to help!?

#FINA #HelpingFamiliesBuildFamilies

Introducing INVOcell!

▶️ INVOcell
▪️What is it?
▪️Is it affordable?
▪️Who is it for?

INVOcell is a treatment option that allows egg fertilization and early embryo development to take place in the woman’s body, in vivo, while offering success rates that are comparable to IVF if patients meet certain diagnostic criteria.

FINA is the first and only clinic in North Alabama with this option, and the entire process is completed locally in our office, right here in Huntsville.

The costs of INVOcell are also lower than IVF. It requires a similar egg stimulation and retrieval process to IVF, but instead of incubating the early egg and embryo in our lab we place an FDA-approved intravaginal culture device into the woman. This allows her to be a natural incubator while the embryos grow. The embryos will then be removed, and an embryo transfer subsequently performed.

INVOcell is designed for young and healthy patients with infertility.

If you’re interested in more information about this option, check out our website or call to schedule your consultation. We would love to discuss with you further in order to help you determine if this might be the right option for you and your partner.?

#FINA #HelpingFamiliesBuildFamilies #INVOcell

How Affordable Is This Really?

Oftentimes, couples are hesitant to proceed with looking into fertility testing and treatment because of the worry about cost. However, you may be surprised at all the options that are actually available to you financially.  

Let’s take a look at some of the different categories of services and which financial options are available for each.

*Office Visits

At FINA, we will submit the charges for office visits, labs, ultrasounds, and procedures to your insurance company. However, for those services that are not covered by insurance, we try to make them as affordable to you as possible. In these cases, we bundle services together in order to discount the overall cost to you. Our staff will confirm what services are covered by your insurance, but we encourage all of our patients to verify their coverage as well.

If you do not have insurance or prefer that we do not file your fertility treatment with your insurance company, we offer cash pay packages for your visits. These packages are specific to the types of office visits, lab work, or procedures you may undergo. Our financial counselor will be happy to go over these costs with you.


Fertility medications are sometimes paid for by insurance, but every policy is different. Our financial counselor will go over your coverage, if any, at the time you need medications.

Some local pharmacies carry fertility medications. However, these pharmacies may not offer the same discount as a mail-order pharmacy, but can oftentimes send your medications directly to your address overnight.

*Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

Some insurances will offer partial or full coverage for IUI’s. If your insurance offers no coverage, we do have a cash package that will allow this option to become more cost efficient.

*In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) / INVOcell

As the need for more advanced therapies arises, we encourage you to double check with your insurance carrier to see which services are covered. In Alabama, only a limited number of insurance plans offer coverage for IVF or INVOcell. However, we do offer several packages along with financing resources for those patients without insurance coverage in order to make these options more affordable for you. Prior to proceeding with these services you will meet with our office manager to ensure your understanding of your options and costs.

Insurances Accepted at FINA:

+Blue Cross Blue Shield


+United Healthcare


