A Patient’s FINA story…

“I cannot recommend FINA enough if you are struggling with infertility. The entire office staff made my husband and I feel comfortable and well cared for. We are currently expecting a little one thanks to FINA, and we will continue to see them as we grow our family.”
We are so excited to see this family grow.?

National Infertility Awareness Week


It comes natural for most to dream of a future with children. Because conception is a natural expectation, it becomes quite frustrating and disappointing when plans do not become reality on demand. Many couples will uniquely relay the heartaches of a lonely struggle. For most couples, attempting to conceive a child is a very intimate process that is clothed in privacy. But because of the quiet nature of this process, those who are unable to voluntarily conceive often suffer in private as well. Infertility is spoken of far too seldom in our society.


And infertility doesn’t discriminate. While it impacts people across gender, race and socio-economic class, access to treatment is even more difficult for those who lack insurance coverage or the economic means to pay for care out-of-pocket.


+ Share your story. Not only can this help you cope with your feelings, but this may also help others who are experiencing the same struggles.

+ Find a support group. Whether online or locally, this will allow you to hear of what other couples are going through or went through and will validate your emotions. It can help you feel less isolated and will empower you with knowledge.

+ Offer your ear (and a hug) to a friend in need. Even if you aren’t on an infertility journey of your own, chances are someone close to you is.

+ Advocate with your employer. While more and more employers are discovering the value of adding infertility benefits to their offerings, many don’t. Plan a time to talk with leaders within your organization about the importance and value of adding these types of benefits.

+ Support the work of an infertility advocacy group you trust. Advocacy groups help raise awareness, organize and advocate all year long. If you find that work valuable, lend your support by donating yourself or hosting a fundraiser.

For more information about scheduling an appointment with Dr. Davenport, please visit fertilityalabama.com or call us at 256-217-9613. We are here for you!

#FINA #HelpingFamiliesBuildFamilies #InfertilityAwareness

A precious FINA baby ?

Thank you to our sweet patient for sharing this picture of her precious miracle with us. We are so thankful for every pregnancy in which we are privileged to assist. ?

We would love to meet you!

Another sneak peek pic! Here’s our new front desk.✨

If you are thinking about starting your fertility journey or if you just don’t know where to start, we would love to meet you!

FINA’s mission is to meet each patient with transparency and compassion at the unique place where they are in their fertility journey, and to offer the most up-to-date and effective treatment options available.?

#FINA #HelpingFamiliesBuildFamilies

We Have a New Home!

It’s official! We are pleased to announce that we will now be serving you from our new location, 808 Turner St SW, Huntsville 35801.

We’re only about 3 blocks from our previous building but we now have a clinic, IVF lab and surgery suite that is second to none in the region! Stay tuned for more pics! ✨

And if you’d like to make an appointment to start your fertility journey, you can reach us at 256-217-9613.?

#FINA #HelpingFamiliesBuildFamilies

Unexplained Infertility

Confused because you’ve been given the diagnosis “unexplained infertility”?

Did you know that 10-15% of all patients with infertility have their entire initial workup return normal?

However, this diagnosis was defined when imaging and genetic testing was not as advanced as they are today. This means that with a thorough workup, likely less than 10% of patients will have to settle for this diagnosis.

Even when facing obstacles, it helps to know what the problem is in order to know how to overcome.

For truly unexplained infertility, the most successful methods of treatment when this diagnosis has been reached is IVF or INVOcell, but superovulation with IUI is frequently attempted prior to IVF.

If you are looking for answers, don’t hesitate to reach out and schedule your consultation. We are here to help!?

#FINA #HelpingFamiliesBuildFamilies

Signs of a Magnesium Deficiency

Did you know?

➡️ Women with PCOS are often deficient in magnesium.

➡️ If you have ever taken the contraceptive pill, it is also very likely that you are deficient in magnesium as the pill is known to deplete many nutrients.

➡️ Magnesium may also help pregnant women with muscle cramping, sleeping, and stress levels.

Here are some signs that you might be deficient in magnesium:
-Muscle cramping, pain
-Frequent headaches or migraine
-Anxiety, depression or irritability
-Elevated blood pressure
-Insulin resistance or metabolic syndrome
-Low energy level and/or chronically fatigued
-Memory issues, difficulty focusing, brain fog
-Painful menstrual periods or severe PMS symptoms
-Difficulty sleeping
-Brittle bones and development of stones
-Numbness or tingling in hands and feet
-Intense cravings for sweets, especially chocolate

Have you ever suffered from any of the symptoms listed above? It may be worth talking to your doctor about adding magnesium to your routine either through food or supplementation.

#FINA #HelpingFamiliesBuildFamilies #PCOS #MagnesiumDeficiency

What to Expect at FINA

“Okay so we’ve decided to pursue our options with fertility services. How do we get started? What should we expect?”

Great question! So you’ve done your research and realized that this might be a journey you’d like to take.

Your first step will be to schedule a consultation. Of course, we hope that means you choose to start your journey with us here at FINA! If so, you can request an appointment by calling us at 256-217-9613 or by submitting a request directly from our website.

Upon scheduling your first consultation, we will have you go to our patient portal and fill out some basic information about yourself and your history prior to coming to FINA. Completing this information helps us to be thorough and prepared to meet you in advance of your consultation.

We hope that you are starting to realize that this journey is one that you don’t have to take alone. We are here to walk through every step with you! ❤️

#FINA #HelpingFamiliesBuildFamilies

What is the best diet for PCOS?

What is the best diet for PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)?

? Anti-inflammatory foods, such as berries, fatty fish, leafy greens, and extra virgin olive oil, may help manage #PCOS symptoms and may reduce inflammation-related symptoms, such as fatigue.

? Stay away from sweetened juice, starchy vegetables (such as potatoes, corn, and peas), sugary foods and drinks, and refined grains.

? Every time you eat is an opportunity to nourish your body.

#FINA #HelpingFamiliesBuildFamilies

Meet Dr. D!

It’s been quite awhile since we introduced you to our expert, so we thought we’d tell you a little about Dr. Davenport, or as we call him, Dr. D!?

Dr. D moved to Huntsville in 2014 with his wife Kelly and four children. A native of Memphis, Tennessee, he received his undergraduate degree from Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama, and attended medical school at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis. He then successfully completed a residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Tennessee, followed by a fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at the University of Vermont in Burlington, Vermont.

Dr. Davenport is a skilled surgeon, excelling in robotic surgery, laparoscopic surgery, and hysteroscopic surgery. He is the only reproductive endocrinologist in North Alabama who performs robotic tubal reanastomosis, and also the only REI in the region to perform testicular sperm aspiration/extraction for vasectomized/obstructed males prior to in vitro fertilization (IVF).

He has been actively involved in clinical research and has also authored several publications. Dr. Davenport has a love for teaching and lecturing.?

But the most special thing about him?

He is passionate about providing excellent patient care and is committed to providing the most state-of-the-art solutions in all aspects of infertility and reproductive endocrinology.

Dr. D understands that infertility and hormonal imbalances are some of the most emotionally, spiritually, and mentally consuming issues that an individual or couple may face, and most patients appreciate his compassionate yet candid approach to problem solving.❤️

You’re one of a kind, Dr. D!

#meetDrD #FINA #HelpingFamiliesBuildFamilies