Breast Cancer Awareness Month🎗

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!🌸
This annual health campaign helps to increase awareness of the disease and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure.
The campaign also offers information and support to those affected by breast cancer and helps educate women on why early screening and testing is so very important.
If you haven’t already, don’t forget to schedule your mammogram with your primary care provider or OB/GYN!

Meet Ashley, FINA’s newest team member!

Meet Ashley, FINA’s newest team member! She is the smiling face you see at the front desk when you walk in our doors. She has been such a great addition to the FINA family. We are so thankful to have her on the team!
Some fun facts about Ashley are that she loves to kayak, camp, and do anything outdoors.☀ She also loves reading, and she has a sweet dog named Daisy. 🐾
Next time you’re at FINA, make sure you say hello to Ashley!
#MeettheStaff #FINA #HelpingFamiliesBuildFamilies

A patient’s #FINAstory ♥

“We are so thankful for Dr. D and the staff at FINA. Y’all will always feel like family to us and hold a special place in our hearts and be a part of our son’s story. We are thankful y’all never gave up and gave us everything you had to get our miracle baby here. Now he is 3 months old and we can’t imagine life without him. We tell everyone we know about how great y’all are.”
Thank you for sharing your #FINA story and for allowing us to come alongside you for this journey! We are so very thankful. ❤

Meet Vickie!

Meet Vickie, FINA’s newest team member! She handles a lot of our administration, including scheduling appointments, coordinating referrals, and helping new patients get ready for their first consultation with Dr. D. We absolutely love her bright smile around the office.
Some fun facts about Vickie are that she loves to run, she’s from Kentucky, and she loves to paint. And she loves her puppy, Roxi. 🐾🎨🖌
Next time you’re at FINA, make sure you say hello to Vickie!

A Note from Dr. Davenport about our Safety Precautions during COVID19

Dear FINA patients,

I want to send an update to you to reassure you that FINA is taking all precautions to ensure that your exposure to other individuals while at FINA is absolutely minimized during this COVID-19 scare. We will continue with all appointments and care as scheduled but will have several procedural changes upon arriving to FINA. We are confident that as these measures are observed, you will have minimal exposure to the public while at FINA.

Please see below for what to expect:

1) In order to avoid any exposure while waiting for your appointment, upon arriving you will be greeted at the door by one of our front desk staff. They will check you in at the door and then ask you to return to your car where you will receive a phone call when it is time for you to have your blood drawn or go back to an exam room.

2) Upon entering the building, we will have you wash your hands prior to having your blood drawn or entering an exam room.

3) As is our protocol always, our staff will be wiping down every surface between patient visits. This includes bathroom surfaces, sinks, counters, tables, beds, and chairs that have been exposed to any patient.

4) Our staff will be make no unnecessary physical contact with any patients for the coming weeks. This includes handshaking, hugging, or physical greetings of any kind.

5) We ask that if you are regularly coughing, sneezing, or have had a fever in the past 24 hours that you call us prior to your arrival. We are aware that many of you must still come to your appointment in this scenario, but further precautions such as delaying your appointment to an isolated time and wearing a mask may be implemented for such a patient.

6) If you are asked to write anything, you will receive a sterilized pen that you will keep.

7) We realize that children are out of school, but we would kindly request that you do not bring your children under 10 to your appointment with you in the coming weeks. Please call us ahead of your appointment if you are unable to accommodate this request and we will discuss further.

8) If you are asked to wait in the waiting room, you will be the only one in this room at the time. We have temporarily eliminated all reading materials and excess literature in order to minimize potentially exposed surfaces.

Finally, for the sake of our community please remember to wash your hands frequently, avoid touching your mouth and nose when possible, and cover your mouth when you cough/sneeze with your shirt sleeve.

We are looking forward to providing our patients with the same excellent, timely, and personalized care as always over the coming weeks. See you soon.

Dr. Davenport

Introducing INVOcell!

▶️ INVOcell
▪️What is it?
▪️Is it affordable?
▪️Who is it for?

INVOcell is a treatment option that allows egg fertilization and early embryo development to take place in the woman’s body, in vivo, while offering success rates that are comparable to IVF if patients meet certain diagnostic criteria.

FINA is the first and only clinic in North Alabama with this option, and the entire process is completed locally in our office, right here in Huntsville.

The costs of INVOcell are also lower than IVF. It requires a similar egg stimulation and retrieval process to IVF, but instead of incubating the early egg and embryo in our lab we place an FDA-approved intravaginal culture device into the woman. This allows her to be a natural incubator while the embryos grow. The embryos will then be removed, and an embryo transfer subsequently performed.

INVOcell is designed for young and healthy patients with infertility.

If you’re interested in more information about this option, check out our website or call to schedule your consultation. We would love to discuss with you further in order to help you determine if this might be the right option for you and your partner.?

#FINA #HelpingFamiliesBuildFamilies #INVOcell