The Fertility Institute of North Alabama is a fertility clinic located in Huntsville, AL serving the North Alabama and Middle Tennessee regions. Our Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (REI) specialist, Dr. Brett Davenport, is fellowship trained and double board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology and REI.
It’s official! We are pleased to announce that we will now be serving you from our new location, 808 Turner St SW, Huntsville 35801.
We’re only about 3 blocks from our previous building but we now have a clinic, IVF lab and surgery suite that is second to none in the region! Stay tuned for more pics! ✨
And if you’d like to make an appointment to start your fertility journey, you can reach us at 256-217-9613.?
#FINA #HelpingFamiliesBuildFamilies
Here’s to warmer weather, beautiful blooms, and spending more time outside!☀️ Happy First Day of Spring!?
Dear FINA patients,
I want to send an update to you to reassure you that FINA is taking all precautions to ensure that your exposure to other individuals while at FINA is absolutely minimized during this COVID-19 scare. We will continue with all appointments and care as scheduled but will have several procedural changes upon arriving to FINA. We are confident that as these measures are observed, you will have minimal exposure to the public while at FINA.
Please see below for what to expect:
1) In order to avoid any exposure while waiting for your appointment, upon arriving you will be greeted at the door by one of our front desk staff. They will check you in at the door and then ask you to return to your car where you will receive a phone call when it is time for you to have your blood drawn or go back to an exam room.
2) Upon entering the building, we will have you wash your hands prior to having your blood drawn or entering an exam room.
3) As is our protocol always, our staff will be wiping down every surface between patient visits. This includes bathroom surfaces, sinks, counters, tables, beds, and chairs that have been exposed to any patient.
4) Our staff will be make no unnecessary physical contact with any patients for the coming weeks. This includes handshaking, hugging, or physical greetings of any kind.
5) We ask that if you are regularly coughing, sneezing, or have had a fever in the past 24 hours that you call us prior to your arrival. We are aware that many of you must still come to your appointment in this scenario, but further precautions such as delaying your appointment to an isolated time and wearing a mask may be implemented for such a patient.
6) If you are asked to write anything, you will receive a sterilized pen that you will keep.
7) We realize that children are out of school, but we would kindly request that you do not bring your children under 10 to your appointment with you in the coming weeks. Please call us ahead of your appointment if you are unable to accommodate this request and we will discuss further.
8) If you are asked to wait in the waiting room, you will be the only one in this room at the time. We have temporarily eliminated all reading materials and excess literature in order to minimize potentially exposed surfaces.
Finally, for the sake of our community please remember to wash your hands frequently, avoid touching your mouth and nose when possible, and cover your mouth when you cough/sneeze with your shirt sleeve.
We are looking forward to providing our patients with the same excellent, timely, and personalized care as always over the coming weeks. See you soon.
Dr. Davenport
Hello, Sunshine!☀️ It’s time to spring forward!?
#DaylightSavingsTime #SpringForward #FINA #HelpingFamiliesBuildFamilies
This little cutie is 3 months old today. Not only is she part of the #FINA family, but she belongs to one of our very own staff members.?
Happy 3 months, baby girl!?
#FINAbaby #HelpingFamiliesBuildFamilies
Confused because you’ve been given the diagnosis “unexplained infertility”?
Did you know that 10-15% of all patients with infertility have their entire initial workup return normal?
However, this diagnosis was defined when imaging and genetic testing was not as advanced as they are today. This means that with a thorough workup, likely less than 10% of patients will have to settle for this diagnosis.
Even when facing obstacles, it helps to know what the problem is in order to know how to overcome.
For truly unexplained infertility, the most successful methods of treatment when this diagnosis has been reached is IVF or INVOcell, but superovulation with IUI is frequently attempted prior to IVF.
If you are looking for answers, don’t hesitate to reach out and schedule your consultation. We are here to help!?
{Written by one of our patients}…
“Here’s my FINA story!!
When you hear “fertility institute,” there’s a good chance you think of infertility and infertility treatments, such as IVF. Our story was a little different, and I’m so grateful for a doctor and clinic that has successful treatment for all types of fertility issues, including recurring pregnancy loss, which was my diagnosis.
When I was referred to Dr. D by my OBGYN, I had just experienced my third pregnancy loss. I was grateful that we were able to conceive, but devastated by the continued losses.
Dr. D was caring, compassionate, and competent. He knew from the start what a probable cause might be for the losses, but wanted to honor my desire to start as slow and least-invasive as possible. He continually checked on me emotionally and was willing to go at our pace, especially after I experienced a fourth early loss. After testing and trials, he determined that surgery to fix an anatomical issue was going to be the best and likely the most successful intervention for me.
He was right – not long after we were cleared to begin trying again after surgery, we conceived our firstborn son. Nine months after his birth, on the first cycle we were not preventing pregnancy, we conceived our second son, who is due any day now.
I could never thank Dr. D enough for his wisdom as a doctor, but also his caring nature and the relationship he builds with his patients. I tell everyone I know how much I love everything about FINA, the staff, and Dr. Davenport!”
Wow! We count it a blessing to have assisted with your growing family! ❤
Happy 2020!✨ A new beginning, a new chapter, a fresh start.
May this new year bring everything your heart desires.?
*Our office will be closed on Wednesday, January 1, 2020, in observance of New Year’s Day.