Thank you for your consideration in becoming a gestational carrier or surrogate with Fertility Institute of North Alabama. It is the highest of gifts that would allow a couple to have a child that is biologically their own who otherwise would not be able carry a child.
We are looking for women who are healthy, under 30 years old, no current medical issues, and have already carried at least one pregnancy to term. A monetary compensation by the couple in need is standard in addition to covering all medical and monitoring costs during the pregnancy.

Who would you be helping?
Gestational carriers are necessary when a woman cannot carry a pregnancy in her own uterus, usually due to either a damaged or absent uterus, or if a woman is at high risk for complications in pregnancy.
What is the process to become a gestational carrier?
If you choose to make yourself available as a gestational carrier and meet our screening criteria, you will be placed on a list of other women who are willing to become gestational carriers. This list will be reviewed by each couple in need of these services, and each couple will select the gestational carrier with whom they are most comfortable. If the couple selects you to be their gestational carrier, our clinic will first reach out to you to ensure that you are still willing and able to provide this service.
Once confirmed, we will let you and the couple meet / interview to ensure compatibility. If both parties are still desiring to move forward, we require that a legal contract be drafted (at the expense of the couple in need) detailing the agreement between the carrier and the couple. This contract will protect the gestational carrier from the liabilities of carrying the couple's child. Once the agreement has been solidified, a mock transfer cycle will be performed on you to obtain the optimal window in your cycle in which to perform the transfer of the couple’s embryo into your uterus. The actual transfer of the couple’s embryo into your uterus will take place in your subsequent cycle.
Becoming a gestational carrier is a serious commitment. Unlike other time commitments, this commitment starts with the time commitment of meeting a couple, legalizing the process, screening, stimulation, monitoring at our clinic, and the actual embryo transfer. However, it should be recognized by all willing candidates that you are essentially donating your lifestyle for the 9-11 months that are required to carry, deliver, and recover from a pregnancy. All candidates are expected to enter into this commitment with the same considerations as if it were their own child that they were carrying. This allows each couple to rest at ease, knowing that their precious child is being nourished and growing in the best possible environment, safe from all reasonable dangers.

What are my legal risks as a gestational carrier?
This will be fully determined by the contract that is drafted between you and the couple for which you are carrying. Generally the contract should free you from all liability that may be present while carrying the child. It is your responsibility to make sure that you understand the gestational carrier process. We are available to answer any questions as we understand that there is a lot of information to absorb.
What are our responsibilities as a clinic?
Your safety and well-being is our first and greatest concern. This is one reason why we are so highly selective in allowing a woman to become a gestational carrier with us. However, we cannot shield you from the risks of pregnancy that are common to all women. We simply see ourselves as a conduit by which you, a willing gestational carrier, and an infertile couple in need might find each other.
Once we have performed our due diligence in carefully selecting you for candidacy as a gestational carrier and performing the embryo transfer, we will contractually relieve ourselves from the subsequent liabilities of the pregnancy.

How will I be compensated?
A candidate can withdraw from being a gestational carrier at any point in the process up until the embryo transfer; likewise FINA can halt the process at any time. No compensation will be delivered to a candidate who withdraws or to a candidate who halts the process based on the physician's judgement. The actual amount of monetary compensation that will be given to a gestational carrier will be both agreed upon and contractually committed early in the process.
Although monetary compensation is usually provided, no one can put a dollar figure on your willingness to be a gestational carrier. We encourage this generous mindset to be the primary motive of your willingness.
Thank you again for your willingness to explore the possibility of becoming a gestational carrier. It means much to FINA, and even more to the many couples in need of your services. Please call to make an appointment if you wish to proceed with the screening process.